Change/Update Job Details

This form is used to change specific job details including Cost Center (Budget), Supervisory Organization (Student Manager), # of break positions. You do not need to complete the form to change the job details/requirements, simply edit these in JobX.
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
What is the name of your department? *
What is the name of the position? *
What job detail are you changing? *
If this is a supervisory org change, please indicate the name of the new supervisor.
If you are updating a Cost Center (budget) include the complete Workday Budget string: Fund (FD#)/Cost Center (CC#)/Function#/Program ID (PG#)/Event ID (EV#)
If the Cost Center (Budget) change is paid by a grant or endowment, enter the full name of the grant or endowment
If this is a Job Title change, please indicate the new Job Title (NOTE: Job Titles must be changed before jobs are posted. If you submit a job title change after jobs have been posted, the title will not be changed until the next posting cycle.)
If this is a BREAK position, how many openings are you requesting for this job? *